By partnering with us, you are taking a huge step towards providing greater job security to your valuable employees.
Not only are you reducing your overhead during slow seasons by loaning out members of your highly trained staff on a temporary basis, you are also gaining access to a database of highly skilled professionals that can be hired by your company as needed.
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Talent Certification
"For over 30 years I have partnered with line managers to address the issue of maintaining coveted talent during periods of reduced / slow contract funding, while avoiding downsizing or other reductions. Companies using IQX quickly realize the benefit of keeping trained and valuable talent close, engaged, and “covered” during challenging periods. The individual maintains close ties / loyalty to the parent company, the gaining company obtains the talent needed to fulfill their short-term needs, and both companies achieve new levels of cooperation and understanding - without compromising proprietary information. IQX provides a Win-Win solution to meet challenges of dynamic and changing labor management scenarios."
- Executive VP for HR, Logistics Services CompanyTake Our Short Quiz!
Talent Certification
"For over 30 years I have partnered with line managers to address the issue of maintaining coveted talent during periods of reduced / slow contract funding, while avoiding downsizing or other reductions. Companies using IQX quickly realize the benefit of keeping trained and valuable talent close, engaged, and “covered” during challenging periods. The individual maintains close ties / loyalty to the parent company, the gaining company obtains the talent needed to fulfill their short-term needs, and both companies achieve new levels of cooperation and understanding - without compromising proprietary information. IQX provides a Win-Win solution to meet challenges of dynamic and changing labor management scenarios."
- Executive VP for HR, Logistics Services Company